Daily Archives: December 31, 2010

Charity challenge

If you were reading this blog a year ago, you may remember that I challenged myself to knit mittens for charity.  My knitting group – the Knit Wits of Braham – knits lots of things for charity: chemo hats and lap blankets, mittens and hats for school kids and the local food shelf, baby blankets for a couple different family crisis organizations. 

A few weeks ago, a member of our group challenged us to knit scarves as she had seen something on TV about people in need of scarves.   My goal is to knit one scarf per week.

Scarf #1

This is my scarf for this week.  It is purple (which is so hard to photograph accurately) and white.  Knit in a 1 x 1 rib on my knitting machine.

First scarf of the challenge

It is over 5 feet long, plus the fringe.  It is made from acrylic yarn, as is most of my charity knitting.  It is really heavy and will keep someone warm, but  I think I will ease up on the tension on the next one for a fluffier feel. 

Here is a sneak peak at a Christmas gift – we are celebrating tomorrow.  100% alpaca wrist warmers.

Wee wrist warmers

I don’t think the recipients will see them here!  I hope to get pictures of these on their new owners.  They are way cuter than they look in this picture. 

Happy New Year!