Daily Archives: December 17, 2010

Embrace’s tropical vacation

Embrace is one of the original alpacas we purchased in 2002.   She gives kisses.  She has always given kisses for treats.

In 2005

 She has had 8 babies here.

In 2008

As she has aged, she grows less fiber each year.  She has always been a very eater – to the point of being overweight (or nearly so) most of the years she has been here.   But this year, she didn’t bounce back as fast while nursing her cria.  And in September she got really sick and lost some weight. 

In 2009

 The crias are now weaned, so she should have been able to add a little weight.  That did not happen.   When the weather turned cold, then extremely COLD, Embrace was not keeping warm.  Then the beginning of this week, we had a couple sub-zero nights and Embrace quit eating.  I felt pretty sure she was not sick, just cold.  I put on a fleece blanket, a cria coat, then a heavy horse blanket (which she did not like) and still she just sat and shivered and wouldn’t eat. 

So I called our friends at Twisted Suri Alpaca Ranch.  They came over in their van and picked her up and took her home to stay in the ‘warm room’ in their barn.  As soon as she got there, she started eating again and has been since!   Thank you, Roger and Gina.  We are blessed to have friends like you!